class: inverse, center, middle # Introduction to Fieldwork: From elicitation to ELAN <br> ## Session 2: Field practice ## Naomi Peck ### Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg <br> 2022-02-11 (updated: 2022-02-11) <img src="freiburg-logo.png" height="125px"/> <!-- insert VJS logo too? figure this out --> --- class: middle, center #Elicitation time! --- # Practicing Elicitation We are now going to test out some of the techniques we explored in the last section in pairs. Make sure you have a pen and paper with you, so you can practice taking notes. You are free to run your sessions with any language(s) you wish, as long as you have a chance to try out all the roles and elicitation techniques. --- # The Plan There are four different exercises to try out: two stimuli-based tasks and two translation-based tasks. You will have the chance to be an interviewer and interviewee for both types of tasks. -- The four tasks that you will be doing are: - Pear Story (Chafe 1980) - The TMA Questionnaire (Dahl 1985) - Jackal and the Crow (Carroll, Kelly and Gawne 2011) - Leipzig-Jakarta Wordlist (Haspelmath and Tadmor 2009) If you already know the purpose of a given elicitation tool, try to avoid being the interviewee for that tool. ??? Chafe, Wallace (ed.). 1980. The Pear Stories: Cognitive, Cultural and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Production. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. Dahl, Osten. 1985. The TMA Questionnaire. In *Tense and Aspect Systems*, 199-206. Oxford: Blackwell. Haspelmath, Martin and Uri Tadmor (eds.), 2009. *Loanwords in the World’s Languages: A Comparative Handbook*. Berlin and New York: Mouton de Gruyter. --- # The Interviewer You will be responsible for running and "recording" the session. Read the prompt given about the elicitation technique and how to introduce it to your interviewee. To "set up" the recording, test that everyone has good gain levels and is seated comfortably. At the start of a "recording", clap next to your microphone and detail the metadata for the session. Monitor the session by making sure that the sound stays clear throughout, but let the interviewer take the reins. Keep an eye on the length of the session and let the interviewer know when to wrap up. Feel free to take notes during the "recording", noting down the timing of anything linguistically interesting. At the end of the session, briefly summarise the session. Make sure to thank the interviewee for their time. --- # The Interviewee You will be responsible for sharing your idiolect with the interviewer. Simply follow the instructions and have fun! --- class: inverse, center, middle # Questions? --- # The Tasks Instructions can be found in the relevant presentation [here]( You will have approximately 40 minutes to run through all activities. --- class: inverse, center, middle # Elicitation Time